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depression in dogs, IS that a thing?

I understand that you might be wondering now whether this is a fact or a fable. But with this one, we at Dogmills assure you that dogs too can be or become depressed. Whether depression lasts for a few days or a longer period, in this blog we will update you on the symptoms and, not unimportantly, the treatment.

Depression in dogs, is that a thing?


Dogs are animals that become very (quickly) attached to certain routines and habits. Any kind of change can be a cause of depression for a dog. Consider not only changes in occurrences, but also adjustments in behaviour of people in his or her immediate environment. 

For instance, a dog may experience insecurity if it (suddenly) receives less attention. Remember that dogs are hugely people-oriented and will perceive a change in behaviour much faster. If your dog is home alone often and/or for a long period of time, is not well cared for, is taken out less or is played with or cuddled less, this can be a trigger for depression. When we talk about a change in the form of an incident, we are talking, for example, about the death of another dog, the owner or another person the dog is crazy about. A move or depression of the owner can also lead to depression symptoms in the dog.


If you notice that your dog is behaving differently, it is natural to think at first that your dog is unwell or not feeling well for a while. But if your dog is listless for an extended period of time, it is wise to visit the vet. You can recognise depression in dogs independently by excessive weight loss, sluggishness (sleeping a lot, slow/little movement), no appetite and drinking less water, not wanting to go outside or play, coat problems and/or a change in behaviour. A change of behaviour in your dog may manifest itself in aggression or, on the other hand, fear.


Attention is the best medicine against depression in dogs. Play and cuddle with your dog a lot (outside) and spend time and love on physical care. Depression in dogs can also be treated well by taking lots and long walks. This is because exercise produces dopamine and endorphins in dogs too. As owners, make this a priority and make time for it. 

Ideally, a dog should go out for a walk 3 to 4 times a day, with one walk lasting at least 1 hour. If you, your partner, children or anyone else does not have time for this many times a day, you could consider a dog walker. A Dogmill is the perfect tool you can bring into your home. Your dog can walk or run on the dog walker indefinitely and is guaranteed to get his or her exercise every day. Fight depression in your dog this way!  

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