Advantages non-electric dog treadmillS
A manually powered dog treadmill has great added value compared to electric treadmills. The overarching advantage of a non-electric dog treadmill is that a dog can never overexert itself. This is because our Dogmills have to be powered entirely by their own muscle power. This allows the dog to determine the speed independently at all times. The pace can be reduced if necessary or increased if needed.
The main difference between non-electric and electric dog treadmills is that non-electric treadmills move with the dog instead of being controlled (by a remote control) on an electric treadmill. Because a dog on a non-electric treadmill can control its own speed, there is no unwanted pressure on the dog's muscles and joints. The dog can stop the treadmill itself at any time. Electric treadmills for dogs need to be operated by someone. This makes the dog dependent and there is a risk of too much pressure. As a dog owner, you cannot always tell when a dog is experiencing fatigue or pain, so the risk of overexertion is much higher than with a non-electric treadmill.
Because a dog can choose its own pace on a manual dog treadmill, natural movement is encouraged. Condition and endurance are therefore best trained this way. Non-electric treadmills offer dogs these responsible workouts. In our own experience, dogs enjoy a specially designed manual dog treadmill much more and longer than an electric treadmill. Therefore, choose Dogmills!