Learning to use the dog treadmill

Teaching your dog to run on a dog treadmill should always be a fun and playful activity. We are happy to explain how you can teach your dog to walk on the Dogmills dog treadmill.
First, allow the dog to jump on and off the treadmill independently. Make sure that you fix the treadmill itself with, for instance, your leg. It is important to put the dog at ease. For example, use treats to encourage/reward good behaviour. To allow the dog to get used to the operation of the Dogmill, you can easily hold the dog's collar or harness during the first steps. Be careful in the beginning (stay with it) and let the dog set the pace. It is advisable to train several times a day for short periods of time in the initial phase, rather than once (too) long. Training is most effective when done routinely.
Once the dog starts walking on its own, the dog can be attached to the top of the frame and the additional safety line provided. How long a dog can walk or run on a dog treadmill depends on the ambient temperature, the breed of dog, its size and age. When it is warm, dogs become exhausted more quickly. In addition, larger and younger dogs will generally be able to cope more easily with long and/or intensive training sessions. Finally, you know your own dog best. You should always ensure that your dog uses the treadmill in a way that is both animal-friendly and safe.
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