how many km can a dog walk?
Every dog needs sufficient exercise to stay fit and healthy. By walking your dog, you will train his physical endurance and strengthen his muscles. How much distance should be walked every day depends on the breed and age of your dog. For example, large dogs walk long distances more easily than smaller dogs. But: how many miles can a dog walk? If you are curious about this, read this blog.

The ideal is to walk a dog on average three to four times a day. In the morning, afternoon, evening and before bedtime. In this blog, we will explain how long walking is usual. In doing so, we make a difference between dog breeds and dog ages. Finally, we zoom in on the distinctions between taking an outdoor walk and using a Dogmill.
How long can a dog walk?
There are in fact no specific guidelines for how long a dog can walk. However, there is a known difference between the ages of dogs. Puppies need much less exercise than adult dogs. This is because joint problems can develop relatively quickly at a young age. For a puppy, it is therefore recommended to walk a small circle four to five times a day.
The maximum total duration of daily walks with a puppy can be calculated. Some say that you should take ten minutes per month of life. For a two-month-old pup this means twenty minutes of walking per day. When your puppy is fully grown, you can take it for a full walk.
Assuming that an adult dog is in good health, an average of two hours of exercise a day is required. Daily exercise should include at least one long walk of (more than) one hour. It is important to keep walking actively every day. This is good for your dog's endurance, balance, brain function and coordination.
For a smaller dog, a long walk of half an hour to an hour is probably enough. Furthermore, a large dog with a high energy level will need a one-and-a-half-hour walk more quickly. Sporting dogs, on the other hand, can easily manage a two- to three-hour walk. If dogs get enough exercise, they will be a lot calmer indoors than when they are bored. This gives you, the owner, a clear lead.
As your dog gets older, it is important to keep the joints in good condition. This is to protect its muscle power, but also to prevent it from becoming overweight. It is sensible to take your senior dog on several short walks rather than a longer walk more infrequently. A twenty-minute walk three times a day is a good starting point. If your dog has joint problems, swimming is a good alternative to walking. Swimming is less stressful for the dog's body.
Differences between walking outside and using Dogmill
When you walk your dog outside, he cannot really determine the speed and distance. The moment your dog has energy left after a walk, is difficult for a boss to read. It may also be that you do not always have the time to meet the desired energy requirements or that the weather conditions are not ideal. Also for these reasons a Dogmill is an excellent alternative for walking your dog.
The flat and bendable surface of the Dogmill allows your dog to walk and/or run in a very safe and controlled way. Of course, using a treadmill does not give the experience of nature as it normally does. There is less socialisation with other dogs and your dog cannot do his needs. Nevertheless, the Dogmills offer a lot of added value.
The great thing about a treadmill is that your dog can decide for himself how long or how fast he wants to run. As soon as he has had enough, is exhausted or has satisfied his energy requirements, he can stop the treadmill on his own. This could be useful when you want to replace walks or if you want to offer your dog some extra exercise.
Keeping the joints in condition is important for every dog. For puppies or old dogs, it is better to take shorter walks more often. Adult dogs, on the other hand, have a greater need for a daily long walk. Whether the dog is small or large, active exercise is crucial for the dog's condition and muscle strength. As an owner, this requires the necessary time and attention.
A Dogmill is a suitable, additional product to provide your dog with his energy needs at all times. With the help of a treadmill your dog can enjoy an (extra) dose of fun, responsible and challenging activities. This saves a lot of time for you as the owner! Curious about how our dog treadmills work? Then get in touch with us.